Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Come Holy Trinity

My love, My most beautiful one, I love you and all your friends and all My children dearly. Tell all the Daughters of the Lamb I love all of them for all they are doing. Son, I have told you that We want you to teach all of our children . We will give you special messages from Heaven. Tell Our children that they must start loving each other the way Heaven loves them. Go out of your way to do something good for your neighbor this Christmas. Start putting friends and family before yourself and you will be much happier. You will also gain grace for all your good works. Love, Mom. Father will speak.
Son, thanks for writing the hard message yesterday. It was needed to wake up My children. These messages need to reach as many souls as possible. Tell everyone to ask prayer for every soul on the face of the earth each day and send a blessing from Heaven from their Father to them. Our children have to learn Heaven’s ways now not the earth’s ways. If all Our children died now very few would go to Heaven. Most of My children of today would go to the lower parts of purgatory and some to hell. If it was not for the remnant souls praying so much for the lost souls on earth many would go to hell if they died this very day.
My children do not go to Sunday Mass or to confession once a year. If Catholic, it is a mortal sin not to go to Mass on Sunday or to confession once a year. If you are in mortal sin you could go straight to hell without the prayers of the remnant few praying for your soul. My children, the messages are now to teach you to get your life in order before you die. Please My beloved children go to confession if Catholic before the year ends. If not Catholic, come to Me your God and make a good act of contrition to your God and be sorry for your sins. I am begging with all My heart because a lot of people die every day of the year and there will be many major disasters that could take thousands of souls to Heaven or purgatory or hell before the year end.
I am giving you the warning that we are now in the last 3 ½ years of the great, great tribulation. Please for Heaven’s sake get your soul in a state of grace. Come to Me and say, “Father, I ask forgiveness for all my sins from the moment I was conceived in the womb of my mother until this present moment.” and do it from your heart with all of your love. It can make the difference of being in hell for all eternity or being in Heaven in the Father’s and the Mother’s love forever. I am not kidding.
Love, Father