Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Monday, June 23, 2014
Come Holy Trinity and Blessed Mother With Your Words Only

My most beloved son, this is your Most Beloved Mother, Mary. I came to you, and I love you. I know how most of My children are suffering for fighting against satan’s warriors, but all of God’s warriors are at your side. I will never leave My own. Keep your spirit light even when you feel like the battle is overwhelming to you. I felt this way also, when Jesus was on the cross, but My Father never left Me and He will never leave you or any soul that does not deny Him.
As We told you yesterday, God’s power is so much stronger than satan’s. You never have to worry about losing the major battles in the end. It is only because of free will that satan ever wins a battle. If satan played fair, like your God does, he would never win any battles, but he is a liar and a cheater and never tells the truth about anything unless it is to make you lie.
I love all of My children dearly and I and Jesus will stand up until till death for all of you. My Son died a physical death on the cross for you while I died a spiritual death with My Son. It was just like a mother or father who loses a son or daughter on earth now. Their heart dies with them and their love for them goes with them when they die. This is how My Son and I do with every one of Our children who die on earth. Our heart dies for their soul to go to Heaven and if their soul is lost to hell, We die in total sadness for each one of Our children. And if the soul is headed toward Heaven, We die in total joy for Our son or daughter. My children, this is why Jesus and I are so sad now because so many of our children are going to hell because they will not repent. This is why Jesus is bringing so many disasters onto the earth because of all of the sins of His children. This is the only way that they will repent with God’s love.
Americans especially, do not even really know what real suffering is except for a very few souls. They think they have life so hard but they have never been taught what real work or suffering is all about. The people of the Depression era knew what real suffering was about and the families of the wars with children in them know real suffering. But, the younger generation do not know what love or suffering is all about because they are living in the wrong generation because there is no truth left on earth.
The problems are no one person’s fault, but the times and history that we live in. It is a time that the earth is in and the grace is now available so you can change before we go into the New Era of Peace and Love and Joy. Just give yourself to My Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and Blessed Mother and you will soon live in the New Jerusalem. I know this will sound complicated to many but the Holy Spirit will enlighten you. Your Loving Mother at the 3 o’clock hour.