Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Come Holy Trinity and Blessed Mother, St. Joseph, St. Anne, and St. Joachim With Your Words Only

My love, My beautiful one, I love you and all My children dearly. My mother, St. Anne, and many, many other saints are here with you as you write. We love all of you, My son, from all of the saints here with you. Tell all of your friends and all of My children that Heaven is not coming down to earth for no reason. This is a special grace and blessing to all of Our children.
Jesus is pouring out graces to this generation like never before in the history of the world. This generation is the most wretched of any generation in the history of the world. My Son and Father are giving graces and mercy to everyone who will ask and to just take them to change their lives from sickness and sin to health and peace. Please come, My children, to the hearts of Jesus and Mary and receive the grace and mercy that is being given like never before. My heart and Jesus’ heart is a river of living water at this time of grace and mercy. The time for this grace and mercy is about to end and you will then see Our justice begin.
My children, We have been trying to get you to change your lives the easy way, but very few are listening and coming to the party of love and grace. The next step will be when the hand of justice of God comes down. The earth will begin to shake even more than now. The river of life will start to be the river of justice and will overflow and many will die. The oceans will overflow and kill many of Our children. Fire from the sky will come and My children will be baptized in the fire to change their soul instead of the baptism of water. Children, My love and My God’s loves is out of this world, but Our God is all loving so He has to be all just in the same way. Never doubt that God will never strike the earth again like in the time of Noah and the flood. He said He would not destroy totally the earth with water again, but there will be such suffering from water again. Water can be the river of life, but it can also be the river of death.
If Our children do not listen, the Warning is going to happen in this generation and all the people on the face of the earth will experience it except a few who will die very soon and they will experience it when they die. This Warning will be the same as a death experience. You will see the same thing as a person sees when they die. This time is a special blessing from My God and Father that He will give everyone a chance to change their lives before their real death. This grace has been given to very few people, even in the life of the world except when a few people had a near death experience, and died, and saw their lives, and were brought back to life. Any story you read about people who had this kind of experience, most always change their life around after they had the experience. Once you experience Heaven, hell, or purgatory, and know how real it is, you do not even want to think of being in hell for all eternity. This is all for now, My son. My Father will speak.
My most beloved son, this is a strong warning from the Mother of the Trinity, but it has to be said again and again. Our children have to change now, right before the Warning because it will be many times harder when the Warning hits and everyone will be in total turmoil. Please change now, for your sake and mine because your suffering makes Heaven suffer with you while you suffer. Your loving Father. Please, please, please listen now for the Warning is about to strike the earth. Love, Father.