Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA


Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Come Holy Trinity and Blessed Mother With Your Words Only


My love, My beautiful one, this is Mother Mary, your Mother, and the Mother of all God’s children. My beloved son, thanks for all you and your beloved friends are doing. I thank your friends from out west that brought so many graces to your area from their pilgrimage around the country. Thanks for being kind and gentle to them. I wish all My children to show love and kindness to each other. They need to be of one heart and one soul to their God and to each other. I bless all of you with a special blessing from your God through the hands and the heart of your Mother Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth and Mother of the Trinity and all Their children on earth. Love, Mom. My Son will speak.

Son, this is your beloved Jesus of love and mercy. As you know, and see, and feel all hell is loose on earth at this time. Do not be disturbed because all of Heaven is at your side and at the side of every soul that will call on them for grace and mercy. Your God is way ahead of satan. You just have to give your will to God and I will protect and bless every one of My children.

These are the times when your heart has to be united with the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. All hell is breaking loose all over the earth and you will see many manmade natural disasters and they will be permitted by your God because of all the sins of My children. As I have told you before the Ten Commandments have been thrown out of the world and they have taken all of of satan’s evil into their hearts and are trying to play that they are God. False gods are like playing with fire and it can burn you and explode in your face. This is what will happen with all the sinful and lustful people that are trying to play with fire, it will blow up in their face, and injure them, and kill them. You cannot play around with satan and his sin and his way of life because his only purpose is to get you into the state of mortal sin, and then destroy your life, and kill your body and soul, and then take you straight to hell with him for all eternity.

My children it is time to wake up and repent now before the next major disaster that will happen in the US and it will be any day now. Your soul is at stake and I mean it is ready to be taken down to the pit of hell if you do not repent and say ‘yes’ to your God who made you. I have repeated hundreds of times through My messengers in the world that there would be all kinds of natural disasters in the world in the last few years and most of My children do not want to believe or think about it but you will be stopped in your tracks very soon now and there will be nowhere to turn or go because everything around you will be no more. It will be destroyed. What will you do then? I hope you will put your hands up toward Heaven and fall on your knees and face and beg God’s mercy and forgiveness on your soul and repent of your sins and beg My forgiveness so you can still go to Heaven before it is too late and you lose your soul to satan. My justice has begun and the chastisements are getting worse each day. The more you have to suffer the more you should beg My mercy and grace before you die. Your loving Jesus to a lost and stubborn generation. Love and mercy and justice, your loving Jesus.

Source: ➥