Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family and St. Michael to Guard over all of God’s Words to His son
Critical Message Preparing Us to Move to the Refuges at a Minute's Notice

My most beloved son and all My beloved children, I love you dearly. Your Father loves all of you with a love that you will not be able to understand on this earth.
The time is very close when many of My children on earth will meet their God face-to-face. Be as ready as possible, spiritually and also physically. Be prepared to move from your home at a minute’s notice when your Guardian Angel directs you. Joseph got up at a minute’s notice and moved Mary and Jesus to safety and then went back to get just a few provisions. It will be the same when you are told to move to the refuges for safety. Once a nuclear bomb is dropped all will change in one second. Your life will be on rush in what you will have to do. Prepare now physically and spiritually for everything. When this all takes place, there will not be any time to plan, you will just have to act on what you have already learned. Have everything ready to move and leave as soon as your angels tell you. One second can make a big difference of life or death. If you are crossing a railroad track and a train is coming, one second is the difference between life and death. Prepare, prepare, prepare.
I have told you in the last messages that there will be natural disasters, then the Warning. I have told that there could be millions killed at one time. There have been many disasters set up in your country that could kill millions in a short time. Many are man-made and some are being permitted by your God for all the sins of America. Be ready and listen to what is going on in your country. The truth is not coming from your news media. Believe just the opposite of what the news media tells you for it is run by satan. Satan teaches just the opposite of what is true. Keep this in your mind when the news tries to force you to do something just go the opposite way. When disasters happen get away from all government groups as fast as possible for their aim is to put you in confinement and kill you. Go straight to the refuges with your Guardian Angel. This is the only way you will be safe and protected. God and His angels are the only ones who will protect you. All government agencies are out to put the chip in your body and to control you to do what they want you to do or take you to the death centers and get rid of you. Do not believe anyone you do not know except the Holy Spirit, the holy angels, and the saints who will be talking to each of you and leading you to safety if you listen. My children this is God the Father begging you to listen to My prophets of today and all the heavenly angels. I your God have a might army that will protect all of you from all the evil ones if you just listen and be obedient to your God. This is a serious message for today, just listen and pray and be obedient to your God. Love, God the Father of All. Amen