Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA


Thursday, November 13, 2014

Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family & St. Michael with protection of God’s words to his son


My most beloved son and children, this is Mary the Mother of God and the Mother of all children of Heaven and earth. I love all My children with all the love of the Most Holy Trinity. They have given their Mother all their love to pass to all the children of earth. This is why they want the church to declare Me as the Mediatrix of All Graces to the children of the earth. They also want the Holy Father to consecrate the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, especially Russia because they have spread communism out to the whole world. I also ask that each and every family that reads this to consecrate their families to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary this very day because it is necessary for the times you are in to survive.

I ask that you go to your priests and ask them to consecrate their parish and their schools and their cities to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for protection against communism. It has infiltrated the whole world and they are ready to make their final move to take over and try to control the whole world. I have asked My beloved Pope and bishops to consecrate Russia and the whole world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus to stop satan from trying to destroy the whole world but it has not been successfully done.

God the Father is now down on earth with his heart open and flooding the earth with graces to end this era of time and bring in the new Era of Peace. There will be much suffering for the whole world and especially America because of all the loss of faith and prayers. America was chosen for God the Father and given to Me, His Mother, to guide the world back to peace and joy but they chose a communist leader to run their country not just once but two times. Your country is now under communistic control and is being enforced a little at a time as the people ask, to be able to lead their sinful lifestyles of abortion and homosexuality and lust and power and greed. The generation of the past wanted a king to rule them as their God and then fell and suffered greatly and now America has done the same thing.

As I have told you before the people control God by the way they live because God has given you free will. You use your free will to invite satan as the leader of your country. You will now pay the price of your sin but God will not allow satan to destroy everything. God will protect the refuges and My remnant children to repopulate the earth again in the new Era of Peace and joy and happiness. The people of Noah in the time of the flood went on partying and not paying attention and the people of America are doing the same. This is Mother Mary with the most sick and suffering heart in the history of the world. Love, your Mother of the Trinity with the words of the Trinity. Sorry, My children, pray, pray, pray and stand up for your faith because it is about to be given away because of your laziness. Amen.

Source: ➥