Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA


Friday, February 26, 2016

Come Holy Spirit, God the Father, St. Michael, and St. Luisa Piccarreta**

(God the Father said that Luisa is His most beloved Saint, but not yet declared on earth)


My son, this is God the Father telling you what you just heard in your heart. St. Piccarreta and I are standing right next to you as you write and hold her relic in your left hand. Tell My beloved daughters (names withheld) and all your families that their God and Father has assigned St. Piccarreta to help all of you in this mission that you are fighting against satan. The mission is getting extremely hard and I your Father and Maker from Heaven am now giving you many more powerful saints to help all of you as you need them in this battle. I know that you (name withheld) are very weak and frustrated with all of the sufferings, but it is needed to get you down to the place you need to be to get the trust that you need for all the work ahead of you and all of your brothers and sisters.

The battle is at its peak as you explained to (name withheld) with satan’s pyramid with the point down and with the pyramid of God with the point up with a foundation to hold it together. Satan’s pyramid is about to crumble over and God’s pyramid is about to reach Heaven and join Heaven and earth as you say the Our Father: Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

The Mother of God and I your God are preparing all Our remnant soldiers in this tough spiritual winter and Lent to endure the treacherous battle. (Name withheld) you are starting to heal again as you have the last three years from your winter sickness to be able to endure the summer work. I permitted satan to think he got rid of you the same way as he thought he got rid of Me on the cross before I rose again. Your beloved sisters (names withheld) and their families were sent to your place on the day that you had the stroke, the same as the holy women were with Me at the Crucifixion. I, God, sent your friends there to teach them and also to save your physical life with quick action. You and your family needed their love and prayers that day in a mighty way and they needed you to practice on as Mary and the holy women needed Me their Jesus when I died on the cross to be ready for the future and the Resurrection. It all was a lesson that was needed before the real hell on earth which is coming. You will all be fine with My power and your trust in the Divine Will of St. Piccarreta and many, many saints and angels and martyrs from Heaven. Love God the Father with St. Piccarreta standing beside you as you write. Love, love, and more love. The end of the beginning. It is now the end of the old era of time that began when Jesus was crucified and the beginning of the new era of time which will be the Era of Peace for a thousand years when satan and all the fallen angels will be cast back into hell with all the evil people that would not ask forgiveness for their sins from their God and Maker. My justice and mercy are now making way for the new era of peace, happiness, and joy. Love, love, and more love with all of Heaven joined together in My most beloved prayer, The Our Father.

Source: ➥