Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA


Monday, May 22, 2017

Our Lady of Monte Vergine [Naples, Italy]


My most beloved son, this is Mary, your Mother from Heaven. I know that you and most of the world are suffering greatly now. All of you must keep praying greatly now for protection of your leaders and your country. All the evil in the world and hell are fighting against your country, America. They know that your country is holding the piece of the puzzle that is still holding satan from destroying all the world.

You have many good people in the world, but you have many bad leaders that are controlling everything you see and most of the things that you are allowed to do, but you have all of Heaven on your side in a good President and Vice President that I have chosen for you and helped you to get elected. All the evil in Washington knows that they will be taken down and put in jail if your President wins out and gets America back on track. All of your news media and air time is being bought out by all the rich evil people to try and save them from being taken down. They have stolen from the poor for many years now and they control all of the banks, the stock market, the gold standard, the silver, the chemical companies, the medical institutions, and the pharmaceutical companies. It will take much prayer and a special act of God to stop them from destroying everything. Satan’s only good is to destroy all of My God and your God’s children and take them to hell. But, with your prayers and Heaven’s strength, very little will be accomplished by satan. It looks like all is being lost with all the lies and evil being said against My children, but God is going to change everything very soon with His mighty power and bring all the evil down and cast them into hell for all eternity.

Do not stop praying but keep begging for God’s mercy and protection and the new Era of Peace will be here very soon in God’s time. Make sure you offer all your suffering for the salvation of souls and pray for all those that persecute you. Praying for evil stops evil. Love, Mary the Mother of God and all of Heaven.

Source: ➥