Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Sunday, November 26, 2017
Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Feast Day of Our Lady of the Mountains, Italy (1500)

My love, My beautiful one, this is Mary the Mother of God, My Son wants to speak.
My beloved son, this is your Jesus of Love and Mercy. I know you do not like to write anymore but it is necessary. My son, you know and I know that the world as you know it is about to crumble. Satan is pushing his plan now and My Mother is holding it back as long as the Father and I permit Her, but something has to give and it has to give soon. There will be millions that die.
You know that your friend received a message that major disasters would happen this year. He is correct—that is what I told him. The Warning needs to happen as soon as possible, because all the stubborn people of the world will not let go of sin. So, expect something major with the earth shaking or something hitting your country and taking out all the power which will kill many people.
There are no answers left for your stubborn people except extreme suffering and death for many. Pray hard for all the sinful people to make it at least to the bowels of Purgatory. You already know that many are just making it to the bowels of Purgatory due to the prayers of the remnant army of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Please pray hard that the next disaster will wake up many people to save their souls. Love, Jesus of Love and Mercy.