Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Feast of Our Lady of the Flowering Thorn (France)
Come Holy Spirit with Your Words through the Father’s Love from His Son

My most beloved children, all of Heaven wants to thank all of you who came to the Flame of Love prayer group yesterday. There was much grace during the 3 o’clock prayer group. Tell your speaker and My daughter that I was very pleased with her. The Holy Spirit was directing the whole prayer group.
My son as I have told you and many of My messengers, there will be much suffering for the children of America. They have let the world down in their leadership.
The Popes and Bishops have let the world down in not fulfilling their Church obligation in consecrating Russia in the way Mary asked when She asked for it. You are now in hard times with Communism running rampant all over the world.
My Father is a loving Father and a just Father but to be loving you also have to be just and have spiritual laws for children to know the difference between right and wrong and how to live their lives in love. The Ten Commandments are the laws for everyone on the face of the earth:
1. I am the Lord thy God, thou shall not have strange gods before me.
2. Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
3. Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day. (This is a day of rest, prayer, going to church, and helping those in need.)
4. Honor thy father and mother. (Be obedient and respectful to them if they ask you to help them in any way that is not sinful.)
5. Thou shall not kill. (Do not take the life of an unborn or anyone unless it is for saving the life of another or in self-defense.)
6. Thou shall not commit adultery. (You cannot have any sexual relationships with anyone except in a valid marriage performed in a church or it is a mortal sin if you have full knowledge and deliberate consent.)
7. Thou shall not steal. (You cannot take anything that is not your property without permission of the one or group that owns what you are taking.)
8. Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor. (You cannot intentionally deceive another by speaking a falsehood or by attacking the character of another in any way.)
9. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s wife, husband, or children. (You cannot desire anyone other than your spouse or do something to another that is not for the good of God but only to fulfill your desires or your wants.)
10. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor’s goods. (You cannot desire, destroy, steal, misuse or damage the property of another.)
My son, these are God the Father’s laws for every person, place, and thing on the face of the earth.Until people start living the laws of Heaven, your earth will continue to be taken down with more and more destruction every day. You are now in the middle of Revelations and it will continue until the end of Revelations when there will just be a protected remnant faithful left on earth to enter into the New Jerusalem in the New Era of Peace. It will be no different than when the earth was destroyed by the flood in Noah’s time but it will happen in a different way. Your Jesus of Love and Mercy. These are words of My Father in Heaven through His Son Jesus to My son on earth. BELIEVE, YOUR ETERNITY DEPENDS ON IT—HEAVEN OR HELL.