Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Feast of Our Lady of Guam
Come Holy Spirit, St. Michael and all of Heaven as Protector and Guard over God’s Word

My son this is God the Father of the Most Holy Trinity. As I have told you before, you cannot find any truth in the news. The media takes the real truth then covers it up with lies from evil people so that those who read it do not know what to think. The news in today’s world is mostly truth and untruth mixed or else it is all lies from both good and bad people who are very confused. It is much better to read the messages from Heaven from the good people you know personally and you will know more of the real truth about things going on in the world. Then, discern the messages by praying to the Holy Spirit for the truth in everything.
As you can see, the people of America have been at war amongst themselves within your country for a long time now. Now the war is breaking out among several countries. It is ready to become World War III very soon because people will not trust and pray to their God. Instead they want to straighten out things by themselves with satan’s help and not with God’s help through prayer. I have told you that without enough prayers your country would fall from within. Your country and many other countries all over the world are at the point for this to happen.
People are too stubborn to die of self and the world because of the coldness of their hearts instead of falling to their knees and begging God to help them through prayer. My children, I cannot help those who do not want to help themselves, I cannot save those who do not want to be saved, and I cannot pass graces to those who refuse to ask and accept all the blessings and graces I have saved for this time in history.
My children, I tell you again, you are at the same place, in your time, that Noah and his ark were at in his time in history. He labored for years for Me, his God, to have a place to save My people from the flood, but all they did was laugh at him and call him a crazy old man. The same is happening in this generation. I have been calling messengers to build places of refuge that will be safe during all the natural disasters that are happening now and will continue to happen, but most people think little of the messages and condemn and laugh at the people who are doing this hard work for the sake of saving the lives of others. My son, this is all for now. God the Father of Heaven and a sick Earth ready to fall—another Roman empire. Amen.