Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family with St. Michael’s protection

Mary, did you want to speak? Yes, My son. This is Mary the Mother of God and the Mother of all My children. Satan is getting very vicious and attacking most of My children. Many of My children are getting very confused now and being attacked by satan. Be very loving and peaceful with people now. They are very upset and disturbed with all that is happening in the world. My Son wishes to speak.
This is Jesus, Son of Mary. This is a special day for My Mother as She was taken to Heaven. Pray much to Her and St. Anne, Her Mother. Mary has been given much power from the Holy Trinity to crush satan’s head. My children, all of Heaven needs the prayers of the people on Earth to help My Mother to crush satan’s head. The devil is very vicious now because his hundred years to take down the Church is over. The devil is now losing his power and using all the power he has to attack the children of Mary and Her army. Be faithful to My Mother and pray much on this special day. Love, Jesus and Mary.