Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family with St. Michael’s protection

My most beloved son and daughter, Happy Anniversary from God the Father on your 53rd anniversary. We wish to give you and your wife and family a special blessing from Heaven to all your family, to your children and grandchildren. Thanks for all your family does for Heaven and for all of your friends. Please offer this special blessing to all My children of the world to save their souls. This is the Most Holy Trinity and all of Heaven giving this blessing to your family and all of My children in the world. Bless your close friends personally and all of Heaven and I, God the Father, will bless the rest through you on earth. Your God blesses all people on earth through other souls who give Us permission. Because of their free will we have to come through people who give their free will to God and are trying to live in God’s Will for Us to use them. Love from God the Father to all. I AM who AM.