Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Our Lady of the Fountain [Valenciennes, France]
Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family with St. Michael’s protection

My most beloved son, this is Jesus of love and mercy and justice. My time is close for all My children to see their soul as their God sees it. Many of My children are not ready for the Warning. Tell My beloved children I am a God of love and mercy but I am a God of justice. My children must repent and go to Confession, if Catholic, or come straight to Me, their God, if not Catholic. Most of My children do not even see their sins now but when I, God, show everyone their sins, they will either deny Me or ask forgiveness during the next 40 days of mercy before My justice will begin.
Please pray for all My children on the face of the earth. Some of the people you encounter are satan’s children or in satan’s army, created by satan just like in the time of Noah before the flood. We are now again in this era of time in the history of the world. As I have told you before, satan uses the sperm banks of My children and the sperm banks of the animals to create all of his animal-like people to destroy My Kingdom. His tactics are way above what most all of My children are able to understand. Satan uses whoever are possessed by the fallen angels that look like humans but are without a soul and are not God’s children. This is how they can kill and torture My little beautiful children and not even think anything of it. This is the Holy Trinity telling you this which has to be said so people can understand how these animal-like people of satan can do the things they see happening in the world and cannot believe that people can be that evil. Please pray, pray, and pray for all of My children that have been possessed and used for the evil of satan.
The Warning is close and the disasters will keep getting worse until My real children drop to their knees, ask forgiveness and go to Confession. Love, love, and more love. An angry God to His sinful children. Catholics get to Confession now while it is still easy.