Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Day of Pray for the Legal Protection of the Unborn Children
Eve of the Feast of the Espousals of Our Lady and St. Joseph

My love, My most beautiful one, and all Our beloved children. This is your Mother and the Mother of the Most Holy Trinity and the whole World. My son, the time is here and now that the killing of Our children MUST STOP and turn around to love and life. My Father has told all of Our children that His hand has now fallen on America and the whole World. My Father will NOT allow legal killing of His children anywhere in the World. The time has come in the history of mankind when any country, that supports laws that allow killing of His babies in the womb, will fall from natural disasters of some kind.
My Father sent Me, Mary, and His Son, Jesus, to the Earth over two thousand years ago to open Heaven so His faithful souls could come up to Heaven. Now, My Father Himself has come down to the Earth with the Most Holy Trinity, with Me, His Mother, and with all the good angels and saints to clean up the mess of evil and trash that satan and all his evil people have contaminated the beautiful Earth with, and to wipe out satan and all the garbage that he has created from the good things that God the Father made in the Garden of Eden. God is now destroying all of the garbage with one disaster after another. When the cleaning is done, He will burn the old garbage and replace it with a new garden like Adam and Eve lived in before they sinned. This will be the New Heaven and Earth talked about in the Our Father—God’s Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. This will be the one-thousand-year Era of Peace and the New Jerusalem. The flame of God’s love and justice will purify and join the whole Heaven and Earth for all of His children that give their will to Him and ask forgiveness from their hearts. From the Heart of the Trinity, through the Heart of the Mother of God, to the whole World.