Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Thursday, March 7, 2019
Feast of Our Lady of the Star, Portugal
Protect My Words, Most Holy Trinity

My love, My beautiful one and all Our beloved children, this is Mary, the Mother of all Our children. I come to thank you for listening to God the Father and praying for the Jericho Walk. My Father was pleased to hear the ones who listened to Him.
Our children have got themselves in such a mess by listening to their own self and satan and not following their God. I am telling you, as a Mother, that no country, no nation, or the whole world can survive by following satan very long. Satan self-destructs anything that he touches. It may take several years, but satan’s only goal is to destroy every human being and take over the world with all his fake ‘beings’ and lead as many of God’s children to hell as possible. But you know and I know that God is in control. God lets satan go his way for awhile and lets Our children follow their free will for so long and then puts a stop to His unfaithful children with much pain and suffering to show them how evil satan really is with his fallen angels. All the technology that is dangerous to His children comes from the fallen angels of satan. All the evil technology comes from the free will of some of God’s children that are evil and do not want to follow God’s Will. They want power and greed over all people just like satan.
We are now at a time in the history talked about in the Bible, in Revelations. This era of time is ending and the New Era of Peace is about to begin and the antichrist is showing his ugly face and trying to destroy the earth and all of God’s children. God is now taking over to destroy all evil and take the faithful people into the New Jerusalem and the New Era of Peace. God is now permitting the second “Noah and the Ark” time through natural disasters created by satan because of all the sins of His children from killing His children in the womb, the sins of the flesh, and the power and greed of His children.
My beloved children, make peace and ask forgiveness from your real God now for tomorrow may be too late for many are dying each day and more will start dying each day from natural disasters. Your loving Mother of the Most Holy Trinity.