Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Monday, April 15, 2019
To the Holy Family Refuge for all My children in the world
From God the Father, God the Son, the Holy Spirit and all of Heaven and all of Purgatory

My son, tell all My beloved children of the world that the Jericho Walk** and the Tower of Babel messages (given 2/22/19 through 3/24/19) are for all My children in the world. I praise and thank each and every one of My children who are taking a part in this with all of their hearts, minds and souls. I, God the Father, promise each of you My children that I, with all of Heaven and the souls in Purgatory (who will be with us in Heaven someday), will stop by and bless each and every one of you who are praying and taking part in this Jericho Prayer March** and that the Most Holy Trinity and Our Mother Mary will spiritually kiss every one on the forehead and bless them with their right hand, which is the blessing hand. The kiss will mark a cross on the forehead as the sign to let the people into the refuges. I, God the Father, promise each parent (mother or father) who takes part in this prayer march that all of your children and grandchildren will also be marked with the kiss of peace and the cross to enter the refuges.
I, God the Father, am extremely happy that so many listened to their God and all of Heaven. We will all pray for all of your countries in a special way. It is now God the Father’s time as satan’s 100 years of hell on earth is ending. Ask for repentance to take down all the evil that satan has spread the last 100 years and the Jericho walk will help everyone stop satan for good so we can move into the thousand years of peace. Love, love, and kisses from the Trinity, Mother Mary, and all of Heaven.
Under the mantle of Our Lady of the Flame of Love and Our Lady of America overshadowing the Statue of Liberty we are working together to get rid of the old statue and replace it with the Mother of God. Love, God the Father and all of Heaven.
**God the Father said that He will extend the Jericho Prayer Walk through May 1, 2019.