Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Monday, April 24, 1995
Monday, April 24, 1995
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Our Lady was waiting for me in the chapel. She was in blue and white, floating in a mist. She had a circle of stars over Her Heart and was holding a rosary. She said: "Do you see how all the while I have been waiting for you and yet, I was with you at Mass ? [I had just come from Mass.] Let us begin. I tell you, God's Mercy extends from age to age and is upon those who most especially bear no grudge and forgive. It is not within My call to holiness to point the finger of blame at another, but to convict your own heart in Holy Love. Dissension is always accepted in hearts first My angel, before there is division in the world. Solemnly, I tell you that hearts who once heard My call to conversion, and paid heed, have become lukewarm. Some of these visited many of My apparition sites, read many books, and prayed many rosaries. Once again, I call you to see the present moment is your salvation, or your perdition according to your propensity towards Holy Love. Further, I come to tell you, My messenger, that this season in nature will reflect the Season of Tribulation you are now experiencing. Some crops will be watered down and others will be dried up. This reflects the faith that is in hearts. My Son grieves the disregard for the Eternal Father's Commandments. The Sabbath is profaned; Church law disregarded; Life is dehumanized; Values are convoluted. My call to holiness is scoffed and compromised. My Son desires hearts to be patterned in Holy Love. Souls who immerse themselves in the Flame of Holy Love, that is My Heart, will be protected against the adversary's evil designs through introspection as to their own state of holiness. I desire to create in the world a conflagration of this Flame through My words to you. You will make this known to all My little children. Praise be to Jesus. Alleluia."
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