Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Friday, January 12, 1996
Monthly Message to All Nations
Message from Our Lady of Guadalupe given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Blessed Mother is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She has hundreds of angels with Her. The whole area to the rear of the barn above the people was filled with angels. "Thank you for answering My invitation to meet with Me here today. Pray with Me now, for the lukewarm." We prayed. "Dear children, I invite you to realize in your hearts, and understand, that God's Divine Mercy and His Divine Love, are one in the same and inseparable. Therefore, please know that My Holy Love, and contrition for your sins in your own heart, are inseparable. I ask your continued faithful prayers for the intellectual pride of the lukewarm, who oppose My every plan. But, know My children, that My grace is stronger than any evil. I am with you today in a special way."
"My children, let My coming to you today, be a sign to all nations of God's great love for humanity, and His desire to be reconciled with all people. Most especially, I come to inspire the conversion of the lukewarm, who hold the fate of the world in their hearts. The greatest sins are committed by the lukewarm, for their apathy gravely wounds the Heart of My Beloved Son. The majority of all abortions are committed by the lukewarm. Besides this abomination, they have weakened the Church through their compromise. The Ten Commandments, as well, have become dead words in the lukewarm heart. The two great commands, which are the embodiment of Holy Love, find no place in these hearts, but have been replaced by free will."
"Today, I tell you, Holy Love is the only choice you can make towards your own salvation. When you choose Holy Love you are choosing Divine Mercy and Divine Love at once."
"Dear children, these days and during this hour, I continue to visit you under this title and through this image. You are not comprehending the urgency of My call. I come to reconcile an erring generation to God. God has chosen to send Me to you with My Holy Love. You need to be the catalyst in the conversion of your own heart and those around you. Hearing My message is not the same as living it."
"Today, there are more than a few, more than a whole nation of people, who call themselves 'Catholic,' but who take as their pontiff and vicar their own free will. God, Who loves all nations and all people will allow them this. He will also allow them to choose perdition."
"But I am showing you the path, the sure road to salvation through Holy Love. You must make it known."
"I am blessing you."
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