Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA


Sunday, June 16, 1996

Sunday, June 16, 1996

Message from Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA


Our Lady comes in blue and white and with a crown on Her head. She says: "I am Mary, Mother of God and Queen of Heaven and earth. My reign has begun in hearts that embrace Holy Love. Therefore see, My daughter, that My victory has begun in you."

"Do not fear the tide of controversy that surrounds these apparitions. It is necessary that hearts be challenged so that they will change. Each time I come to you, more hearts are converted. God has not abandoned the errant nation of people who choose evil. No, rather, He mercifully ministers to their needs at Maranatha Spring. It is true, the choicest favors are yet to come, but the power of grace manifest on the property grows each minute."

"I am calling together a Holy Nation -- a Holy People. One that will challenge Satan's kingdom in hearts and oppose evil in the world."

"The crowds will continue to grow on the Twelfth of the month. Surrender this day to Me and petition My support towards your physical stamina. Pray very much for those who will come. Let us pray now." We prayed. "Do not fear, but pray, pray, pray."

She leaves.

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