Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA


Saturday, October 12, 1996

Monthly Message to All Nations

Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA


Our Lady is here as Our Lady of Guadalupe. As She floated down on a cloud, three small angels were with Her and arranged Her mantle. "I come in praise of Jesus, My Son, Lord and Redeemer. Pray with Me now for all those here present." We prayed. Our Lady then says: "Please tell the people here today that I am taking all their petitions to Heaven to be placed on the altar of My Son's Heart. I come as I am sent by God the Father, Who has formed Heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in the sea. I come to give praise and honor to Jesus, My Son."

"Today, I invite all My children to understand that mankind cannot be reconciled with God until he accepts his own littleness before the omnipotence of God. Today, sadly, people do not believe in their own humanness and their dependence upon their Creator for all things -- all things. Life itself is a gift that God gives and only He can take away. All of nature thrives in harmony with God's Will."

"Because My Son's Heart is so bitterly pierced by the sins of mankind, He will allow certain events to transpire, which will lend proof to all humanity that He is in charge. People will be made to see that they have brought these things upon themselves by emptying their hearts of God and filling them with false gods. You, My faithful ones, must continue to be My light on the path of Holy Love, showing others the way."

"Today, you are experiencing the season of autumn where much that is alive withers or falls asleep. I come to you to bring an awakening to hearts as to the true season, which is one of much evil but much grace as well. It is Holy Love that will take you into the New Era of Peace. I have come to deliver you of false gods and to sign you with the Blood of the Lamb. The greatest errors in the history of the world have taken place in this last century -- in particular sins against human rights. Let My coming to you today be a sign of God's continued mercy and forbearing love. As you see miracle after miracle on this property, let your hearts bend and begin to love. Be My Message of Love to those around you."

"Dear children, I have come today to free you of the captivity of unloving hearts. It is only through Holy Love, My dear children, that you will be made to realize the glory of the New Jerusalem. Holy Love is the bridge that spans the abyss between Heaven and earth. It is because of lack of love in hearts that mankind has taken himself so far away from his Creator."

"Dear children, I am here to encourage you to love and to pray, for it is only in this way mankind can be pulled from the precipice of disaster."

Now Jesus is with Blessed Mother. They are extending to us the Blessing of the United Hearts.

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