Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Sunday, January 12, 1997
Monthly Message to All Nations
Message from Our Lady of Guadalupe given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

The first part of the message was given prior to the prayer service.
Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: "All praise be to Jesus Who is Lord of all hearts. Today, I come to you with a mother's heart to help you comprehend the meaning of My visits to you under this title and in these times. When I came to Juan Diego in the 16th century, the meaning to the people in those days was symbolic and told a story which converted millions. Today, My coming to you in this way and under this banner is of no less importance. I come during these last days to convert the world. I come to reconcile man and God. Under this image I am the Woman of the Apocalypse -- the Woman clothed in the sun, the moon beneath Her feet. (Rev. 12) Further, let it be clear, I am Queen of the Cosmos as you see the stars in pattern on My Mantle. I am with child. Therefore, let it be known, I am the Mother of All Mothers. It is decreed in Heaven that life be given. Mankind must not assume the role of God and take life from the womb. In all of this, My head is yet bowed in humilty to the One Who sends Me. I am praying as I desire all to pray and with humble hearts. The greatness in this image is in the Creator. The greatness in My coming to you is in the Creator's Mercy."
"I come to restore harmony in the world and in the cosmos itself. It is only through Holy Love in hearts that this delicate balance can resume. Today, when so many feel all solutions come from humanity and not from God, the only real solution is left forsaken -- that is, embracing God and neighbor with love."
"Through holy predestination, I am Mother of All Mothers, Mother of All Nations and Peoples. I invite you to see, dear children, that your triumph is in the Cross, the Cross which is Jesus' Throne of Mercy and Love. It is from this, Divine Mercy and Love, that I am sent to you. Embrace the Cross as you embrace Holy Love during these decisive times."
"Let your dignity come from your personal holiness in response to My call and not from worldly standards. You can disarm many a proud heart in this way."
This part of the message was given at the prayer service.
Our Lady is here in white. She is radiant and has a crown of sparkling lights upon Her head. "I come in praise of Jesus. My dear children, rejoice with Me today. You have come in answer to My call. It is through your prayers and your sacrifices that we are now meeting in this building. This is the site of My great predilection and favor. Let us pray in thanksgiving for the many graces that will be poured out here."
Jesus is now with Blessed Mother. Their Hearts are exposed.
"Dear children, today I invite you into the Era of Peace, for when you are living in Holy Love, you will already be in the New Jerusalem. Immerse yourselves in the Flame of Holy Love that is My Heart. Today it is your new baptism and commitment. See that Holy Love fulfills your baptismal vows. Today we extend to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Source: ➥