Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA


Thursday, October 9, 1997

Thursday Rosary Service

Message from Mary, Refuge of Holy Love given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA


Our Lady comes in blue and white. She says: "I come to you as Mother of all nations - your Refuge and Hope. Praise be Jesus."

"My angel, endeavor to understand what I am about to tell you. I have come to you here and to many seers under many titles. But the title 'Refuge of Holy Love' is most dear to Me and to My Beloved Son, for it is through this title I will purify and strengthen the Remnant Church."

"Understand that when the virtue of Holy Love is compromised, faith too is compromised. Faith is attacked and weakened always, always through self love. The individual believes he, himself, is better qualified to determine right from wrong as to the influence of Church doctrine and tradition in his life. In effect, the person believes he knows more than all the Holy Fathers put together. But Jesus, Who is the Just Judge, does not accept or excuse such thinking. All Truth has been given through the Church, which My Jesus put in place Himself. It is pride that takes you off course and away from His Real Presence in the Eucharist."

"It is a false conscience that accepts and approves abortion, birth control, women in the priesthood, practicing homosexuality, or any form of witchcraft."

"All of these things and more are accepted through self love. This is why I have come to build and strengthen the Remnant of the Tradition of Faith through Holy Love. Those who pass through this purifying Flame will not become complacent. Their faith will not be compromised."

"I need you to spread this message, My angel. The Tradition of Faith as it is handed down to you through John Paul II must, and will, be maintained through Holy Love. People must not decide to form their own opinions concerning Church doctrine. Dogma and doctrine are not choices, but laws. Today, the world needs the security of such laws; but people run from it, much as they run from Me."

"You will need to ask for My Heart for this mission at hand. I will bless you."

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