Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Friday, December 12, 1997
Monthly Message to All Nations
Message from Our Lady of Guadalupe given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Our Lady comes as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says: "Praise be Jesus. My daughter, I come to you under this title, not for one nation or hemisphere, but for all nations and all people. I am the Mother of mercy and love. I am your Mother."
"I have come to lead My children out of the desert of confusion and to deliver them into the Arms of Truth."
"My daughter, find your peace in My favor. Please ask the people to pray with Me now, to pray for all unbelievers."
Our Lady wished Maureen "Happy Birthday."
"Today I invite you to have a clear understanding of these times. When the King returns to review His Kingdom, He will come wielding a sword of flames. His bounty will be the righteous who pursue His unending Mercy from age to age. The fate of every nation rests with the unborn. It is the unborn who will judge and convict."
"I call you from the death of sin to the light of salvation. When you love, you are victorious."
"My daughter, I continue to come to you under this title of Guadalupe so that mankind will pursue reconciliation with God. During this time all that calls you back to God - faith, prayer, holiness, life itself - is opposed and persecuted in the world. The sins today are more grievous and more offensive to God than any, for they are not committed through pagan ignorance but by those who say or pretend to love My Jesus or who once loved Him." (She has tears coming down Her cheeks.)
"My Immaculate Heart is held in contempt by many when it is always and should be a sign of Refuge. The Angel Gabriel addressed Me as 'full of grace.' My grace is not for Me but for all people - all nations. But fear opposes My grace. Thus the adversary uses fear to oppose My words to you on Holy Love. Those who fear Holy Love must also fear the triumph of My Heart, for it is by this means I will be victorious."
"Everything that I come for - My presence on this property, My message of Holy Love, the graces given through the Blessing Point and sources of water - are grace from God. Since fear opposes My grace, you must recognize that suspicious fear comes from the adversary."
"There are those who want Me to be only what they think I should, to say what they want to hear, and to perform signs only as they prefer. But I come clothed in God's Divine Will. Everything I say and do transcends through His Holy and Divine Will. If you can accept Me as I come to you, then you will receive much. It is only your difficulties with My presence here and your doubts that stand between us. I want you to receive My grace to the fullest. Pray, and I will help you."
"Dear children, today I invite you to understand that no peace can come into the world through negotiations or war machines. You will have peace when there is an end to abortion. The victory is through My Immaculate Heart which is Holy Love. You will please make this known."
Maureen asked Her to pray for the woman who has the brain tumor. She smiled and nodded. "Please let the people know that I am praying for all their intentions here today. Their hearts are not unknown to Me."
Jesus is now present with Blessed Mother. They extend to all here the Blessing of the United Hearts.
Source: ➥