Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Tuesday, May 12, 1998
Monthly Message to All Nations
Message from Mary, Refuge of Holy Love given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love. She says: "My daughter, I am with you, once again, to give praise to Jesus. I come without guile but with a simplistic heart. Pray with Me today for those who have lost their faith."
"I wish to reveal to you that there is much evil in hearts that opposes the true deposit of faith. Underlying currents exist, which are not inspired by God but by My adversary. Many souls are threatened and at stake. Further, Satan has made himself an enemy of all who love My Immaculate Heart. Therefore, understand he has set himself against this Mission of Holy Love."
"You will endure all things through prayer and sacrifice. You will endure, as I am with you. I invite you to understand, however, that the enemy takes on one heart at a time, attempting to destroy the 'yes' to Holy Love. Protect your heart by placing it in the Refuge of your Mother's Heart. Satan shrinks when you invoke 'Mary, Refuge of Holy Love.'"
"I appeal to you today to form a holy Remnant of Faith within the confines of My Immaculate Heart. Jesus has set Me as Protectress and Guardian of the Faith, and as a fortress against apostasy, heresy, and schism. My Heart is a holy Refuge of Grace within which I will protect you and nurture you as your loving Mother. I will refuse no one who comes clothed in sincerity. The ones who have accepted compromise will not be admitted until they repent."
"You must know God and love Him above all else. You must love your neighbor as yourself and as My Jesus loved you. Thus, you must keep the Commandments in thought, word, and deed . You must believe and obey Church dogma and law. This includes Mass on Sunday. This includes no artificial birth control. This includes fidelity to this Holy Father. Know your faith so that you do not accept compromise. Then, as your Mother, I will welcome you into the Immaculate Heart, Refuge of the Remnant Faithful."
Now, Jesus is with Blessed Mother.
Our Lady is now extending a gold key. She says: "I have given you the key to the Refuge of My Heart. The invocation 'Mary, Protectress of Our Faith and Refuge of Holy Love, pray for us.'"
Jesus is speaking now. "Understand that the grace-filled Refuge of My Mother's Heart will restore and maintain the Tradition of Faith in hearts. So you can feel confident in praying to My dear Mother for those who have lost the faith, and She will answer you."
The United Hearts Blessing is now being given.
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