Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA


Friday, March 5, 1999

JESUS; Due to its length, this message was given in two parts.

Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA


Part 1 Jesus and Blessed Mother are here. They have their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be Jesus. The people may hold up their articles and Jesus will bless them."

Jesus: "Understand, My brothers and sisters, I desire your 'yes' to Holy Love. Oh, how I need your 'yes'. But do not think all will go well with you if you surrender to Me. For to live in the Father's Divine Will, you must surrender your own ways, your own will, and live as one with the United Hearts. This is the way to union, to peace, to love and joy amidst adversity. I am with you always."

Part 2 "I have come. I am Jesus, born Incarnate. Understand these truths as I recite them to you. Holy Love is the length and breadth of sanctity. It is with the weapon of love that Satan will be defeated. I am drawing together an army led by Divine Love. Behind this bastion of power the world will be renewed and transformed."

"I do not come to accommodate compromise, but to lead you in truth. My army of little ones will traverse the globe. Remember My telling you this."

A private message was given.

"The battle lines between good and evil have been drawn. Evil is diametrically opposed to the victory of the United Hearts. Thus Satan challenges Holy and Divine Love in every heart. But you are winning battles every time you turn your heart over to prayer - every time you decide for Holy Love in the present moment. I have not come to you to share defeat - but victory."

"You can delay and mitigate the flames of Justice by your efforts. Areas where My people gather in faith to pray will, for the most part, be spared. These areas have already struck an agreement with the Eternal Father by their witness to prayer. Reprieve will be theirs."

The United Hearts Blessing is given.

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