Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA


Friday, June 27, 2003

Midnight Service at the United Hearts Shrine; Feasts of the Sacred Heart of Jesus/ Immaculate Heart of Mary

Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA


Blessed Mother is here as Mary Refuge of Holy Love. She says: "Praise be to Jesus."

"Dear children, I have come once again to help you understand the plight of mankind today. The Arm of My Son's Justice grows heavier in every passing moment, for evil is strong in hearts and well disguised in the world. It is only by merit of your prayers and sacrifices I am able to withhold God's Justice. Indeed, your Heavenly Mother needs your rosaries today more than when I came to Fatima. I weep more today than I wept at LaSalette. I need penance in greater amounts than I called for in the grotto at Lourdes."

"Respond generously to My requests, My children, and My Son will allow great graces to fall in your midst - even greater than the Tilma at Guadalupe. These times are urgent. You must not wait for official sanctions to believe in the Revelation of Our United Hearts.** You must not wait for those of importance to come here and approve. Your Mother invites you to come - to believe and to begin the spiritual journey. Pray here with Me, and I will pray with you."

"Today, My children, I tell you, the heart of the Church is crucified as Satan lays siege upon her. Many souls have slipped to their perdition as a result. Many more who go unremorseful do not choose their own salvation. It is during this most decisive hour that Jesus has chosen to send His Mother to you bearing the grace of conversion and peace. My Immaculate Heart is your portico to salvation. Allow yourselves to be transformed through the Flame of My Heart which is Holy Love. Today My assistance in your needs goes unprecedented."

"Dear children, this spiritual journey into the Chambers of Our United Hearts can restore the Church in its integrity. Jesus desires that as the last century has become known as the Marian Age, this century be made known as the Age of the United Hearts. If you follow this instruction, whole nations can be saved and the wrath of God turned back."

Today, My children are engaged in heart to heart - hand to hand combat with My adversary. Evil influence has invaded every nation and all phases of life. Satan is in music, literature, television and movies; modern medicine, even certain modes of dress. He has infiltrated governments and political actions - yes, even the Church itself. To deny this is to be his cohort."

"The adversary is often dressed as good and knows which hearts have been consecrated to Me. These are the ones he singles out."

"Dear children, My grace is stronger than any of Satan's snares, attacks or temptations. Stay close to Me with the rosary, many sacrifices and deep trust. Your Mother will not forget you. When you least expect it, grace will come to your rescue."

"My dear, dear children, please remember that those in the world are caught up in pleasures of the senses, power, money and prestige. The satisfaction gained from any of these is short-lived and cannot follow you from this world into the next. Store up for yourselves Heavenly treasures which are eternal by living in Holy Love. Then all that you accomplish here on earth through Our United Hearts will warrant you great recompense in Heaven."

"Tonight I tell you, the door of My Maternal Heart is open and My graces are pouring forth in your midst. Experience them, My children, with loving hearts. The more you pray, the less you will feel the consequences of sin. My children, continue to pray, pray, pray. I am always with you."

Jesus is now with Our Lady. They both extend to us the Blessing of the United Hearts.

**Of course, all of us faithfully follow all the teachings of the Pope and Magisterium.

Source: ➥