Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Monday, April 5, 2004
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus."
Jesus: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come once again to invite all people--all nations into Divine Love--Divine Mercy. Today, I reveal to you that these two--Divine Love and Divine Mercy--are always vested in Divine Truth. These three are inseparable. They take up their reign together in the heart."
"Future generations will look upon these times in which you live as an age of confusion and compromise--an era in which faith was challenged by the powers of darkness more than any other time in history. But it will also be looked back upon as an age of great grace--of miracles and unprecedented heavenly intervention."
"One of these profound graces is in your midst here at this prayer site where Heaven is intervening on behalf of all people and every nation. It would be a mistake to come here, partake of all the graces offered and still refuse to change your life. This is a site of Heaven's predilection. Indeed, the very air is heavy with the grace of peace. Do not allow opinions to stand between you and conversion--you and what could be your salvation. Allow Me to come into your heart now in this present moment--there to reign in Divine Love, Divine Mercy, Divine Truth."
"Verily, I state to you, those who speak against this Mission bring judgment upon themselves, for they do not open their hearts to My Love, Mercy and Truth. In humility they need to search their own hearts to discover their motives for such calumny. I will assist them if they ask, but I tell you it is always pride."
"At the banquet this Mission sat at the lowest place--meeting in parks, forests and secular settings. But now, I invite you to come up higher. Vindication is at hand by the power of your Jesus, for My ways are beyond your own--My Power omnipotent."
"Your nation must continue to choose life for the unborn. This is the path of righteousness--the path of victory over the powers of darkness. It is the path of harmony between God and nature. It is the basis of posterity."
"There are those who choose as their gods--money, power and position. I tell you, these cannot displace Love, Mercy and Truth in the heart. None of these will bring you eternal salvation. No title or position--no abundance of worldly goods will win for you eternal salvation. Allow yourselves to be ambitious for the sake of souls. I will bless your efforts."
"My brothers and sisters, today I invite you when you hear these Messages on Holy and Divine Love or when you read them, allow them to come alive in your hearts, for it is only in this way that the Messages will come alive within the Church, within nations themselves and so, too, the heart of the world."
"Today We're taking your petitions into Our Hearts, and We're blessing you with Our Blessing of the United Hearts."
Source: ➥