Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Thursday, August 5, 2004
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here all in white with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus." Jesus says: "I am your Jesus, born Incarnate." They greet the priests and those here.
Blessed Mother says: "Thank you for coming here today."
Jesus: "My brothers and sisters, as we celebrate today the anniversary of My Mother's birth, let us contemplate in our hearts how our Heavenly Mother cooperated with God's plan for Her. In your hearts today, give Her the gift of this heavenly simplicity of purpose in your life by cooperating with God's Will in the present moment which is always Holy Love."
"I have come to help you understand what those devoted to the world do not understand. The world economy is based on mankind's love of consumerism. Satan is taking charge of the world's finances. He is putting into place the 'angel' chip which in years just ahead all will find necessary to have in order to conduct even the simplest of business on a day-to-day basis. This 'angel' chip - so named to give it a positive image - will be inserted under the skin. It will be touted as a way of finding lost children, making financial transactions more expedient and making readily available personal data in case of emergencies."
"Here is the Truth. This 'angel' is a 'dark angel'. It will be used by Satan to seat the Antichrist upon his throne. By means of this " chip " - which will carry with it the mark of the beast - the adversary will be able to control minds. He will, in an instant, know the whereabouts of all who wear it. Through this little " chip " he will be able to ignite his brand of spirituality worldwide."
"Those who love Me - those who seek to live in the Divine Will - must never concede to wearing this 'dark angel' under their skin. You, My chosen ones, must not allow Satan to manipulate you in this way. You are Mine and I desire that you remain so. Your welfare is in the Refuge of Our United Hearts."
"We are united in Holy and Divine Love. Do not leave My Mother and Me for the sake of that 'dark angel' which would cause you to lose your very soul. Trust in My Provision. I will care for each of you in unheard of ways - ways that you could not fathom. My grace will pour into the lives of My Remnant. You must not fear. The hour is desperate for the millions who will follow Satan. You must not be desperate. You do not need all the answers of how you will survive. You need trust. My Remnant will be given opportunities to assist one another through Divine Providence."
"I have not come to frighten you, but to expose the truth of these times in which you live. The days of the Antichrist's power will be shortened for the sake of the elect. See that he is already preparing to mount his throne. Never before have such blasphemous moral issues been the subject of political debate. Never before has such famine overtaken the world populace. Here I do not speak of starvation for lack of bodily nourishment. The world is hungering and starving for love. Yet, when I send My Mother with Holy Love, and when I come Myself with Divine Love, even My friends challenge Me."
"This will not deter us from our chosen path. This Mission is eternal, just as love itself is eternal. It reaches from Heaven to earth, and back again to Heaven through the Divine Will of My Father. Evil will be defeated by a chain of events through this union of love."
"Today We are imparting to you the Blessing of Our United Hearts."
Source: ➥