Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Message from St. Michael the Archangel given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

St. Michael comes and says: "All praise, honor and glory to the Lord Jesus Christ. You know me as Michael--Messenger of Truth."
"Tonight I come once again to let the Truth shine as pure light and to dispel darkness. As such, I will speak without guile, for I do not come to stroke egos, nor to esteem position or rank in the world. It is the only way that Satan's work can be revealed in its fullness, and where it lies hidden in hearts and behind title."
"Today you know there are two churches which call themselves 'catholic.' One is run by Jesus Christ--Lord and Savior; the other is guided by Satan himself." (Our Lady is now beside St. Michael as 'Protectress of the Faith.')
"The Church headed by Jesus is the One, True, Apostolic Faith which supports the Tradition of Faith handed down through the true lineage of popes. It is not compromised to please certain dissident groups. It does not support abortion, birth control, women priests or homosexuality. It is a faith which accepts the seven sacraments wholeheartedly, and firmly believes in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. It is loyal to the Pope."
"The church of compromise accepts only certain points of truth and compromises other points. They may choose names like the 'New American Catholic Church' or 'FutureChurch' or others. Compromise of the truth is from Satan--always. The problem lies in the fact that the dissident 'catholics' do not leave the Church; instead, they continue to call themselves 'Catholic' and try to change the truth from within."
"The average lay person must be forewarned then. Whole dioceses--even Chancery offices--have been taken over by Satan.* So then, when a well-meaning person calls for an official Church opinion about some matter, he may be given the truth or Satan's lies."
"You must open your eyes to see what is condoned within a certain diocese. Is the practice of New Age, occult practices, such as yoga or reiki, encouraged? Is there reverence for the Blessed Mother, or are vile images of Our Lady allowed to be displayed? Is there pagan worship of the goddess Sophia? Does the hierarchy speak out against certain groups, but refuse to follow through with actions? Is money and power at the center of hearts, or is God's Law of Love?"
"I come to make these points, for in truth, no one can follow blindly now. He must, for the sake of his soul, discern what spirit he is following, and where the real truth lies."
"Please make this known."
*Footnote: The term "taken over." Blessed Mother says: "I will give as an example how Satan has 'taken over' the entertainment industry. By this I mean that he has influenced every level of entertainment and made his expressions dominate throughout."
"This is what St. Michael means in his message, that he (Satan) has 'taken over' dioceses, convoluting the truth on every level and pushing his agendas forward."
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