Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Friday, December 8, 2006
Midnight Service at the United Hearts Field; Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Message from Blessed Virgin Mary given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Our Lady is here, all in white. She says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"Dear children, I come to you as My Son allows, to commemorate the event of My Immaculate Conception. This year I invite you to see that in your country (USA), a renewed dedication of all that your nation is and will be, has taken place, as it was once again dedicated to My Immaculate Conception. As this is most pleasing to My Son and His Mother, please understand that such a dedication carries with it a grave responsibility, as well."
"My Immaculate Conception was in preparation of My Infant Son's arrival in the world. At My Conception, I was preserved free from original sin so that My Womb would be a suitable First Tabernacle for My Divine Son. In so doing, Heaven is stating that life is present at conception. The soul is present at conception. How, then, can a nation such as the sophisticated one I now appear in, dedicate itself to the Immaculate Conception, and at the same time destroy life in the womb? How can God honor such a consecration which appears good on the outside, but is compromised to the greatest degree on the inside?"
"It is for this reason My Son has allowed Me to appear here tonight. Never again will there be a midnight apparition here on this date. Your nation must come to terms with the truth if it hopes to prosper and survive."
"Dear children, if I appear tearful tonight, it is because of the paradoxical nature of your country's choices. Your nation cannot, on the one hand, be consecrated to My Immaculate Conception, and on the other hand, legislate against life in the womb. Such duplicity is not a strength but a weakness, and does not bode well for the future."
"My dear little children, tonight you are bravely facing the harsh elements God asks you to endure. With courage, endure also these times which bear heavily upon those who stand in the Tradition of Faith. In Holy Love, embrace the Light
of Truth which is God's Holy and Divine Will. Endure the hardships of living in the truth. Under My title of the Immaculate Conception, I am protecting those who choose righteousness. God does not permit Me to protect the entire nation which has chosen compromise over sound moral principles."
"Dear children, you must pray that certain actions of evil are not allowed by God the Father to be set in motion. I, your Heavenly Mother, am praying with you."
"My dear little children, tonight Heaven is bending towards earth because of your prayers and sacrifices. Remember always this night when the Gateway to the New Jerusalem, which is My Immaculate Heart, opened wide to you. Continue to pray and sacrifice, My dear little children, for this is what is holding back the Arm of Justice."
"I'm taking with Me tonight all your intentions into Heaven to place at the Feet of My beloved Son, and I'm blessing you with My Blessing of Holy Love."
Source: ➥