Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

A.M. Part I
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"In this country, Holy Love Ministries will need to be a grass roots movement, strengthening and increasing the Remnant Faithful in the Tradition of Faith."
"Officials here will continue to lie concerning the messenger, the messages, and raise false issues, which they manufacture and promote as legitimate concerns. Satan is using them to try and stop this Mission which is Truth itself."
"Today I am addressing some of the controversy surrounding this Mission. The Diocese claims we do not have a right to call ourselves 'ecumenical' since we say Catholic prayers. The Church itself is universal, all-embracing. The Holy Father is ecumenical and encourages ecumenism. The messages are for all people and all nations. We have the freedom under the Constitution to gather and pray as we choose. We are also protected in this right under Canon Law [Canons 215-216]. I am asking the diocesan officials who accuse us unjustly in the matter of our ecumenical status to refrain from using their authority in the manner of a police state."
"The Diocese further accuses us of 'seeking large sums of money'. When and where have we done this? Name the time and place. Any organization needs operating funds, and so collection baskets are passed at prayer services. This small collection is used to operate two mission centers that feed and clothe the poor and offer pro-life counseling. Let Me remind them that they themselves solicit funds and take up collections."
"A more personal accusation is that the messenger is disobedient. In what way and under which Canon law? Is she disobedient in calling people together to pray? Is she disobedient because she does not allow you, the Diocese, to close down this Mission unlawfully? Is she disobedient because she has a voice, a timid voice, which nonetheless speaks out against evils such as FutureChurch? Or perhaps you label her disobedient because you cannot control her. I, your Jesus, Who knows your hearts, say this is the basis of your scandalous lie."
"Here I remind you, sin is still sin despite your title in the Church. When you seek willfully to destroy another's reputation, it is still calumny and detraction. I hold you responsible. Hell is forever."
"Do not try to dismiss My Words here today as just another message, uninspired and of man. It is your Jesus that speaks. I give you the truth. I give humanity the truth concerning this Mission and the evil that opposes it. Darkness can only succumb to the Light. Turn your hearts towards the Light of Truth and believe."
P.M. Part II
"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."
"Listen carefully as I tell you in truth, that no one, most of all My messenger, has asked Me to intervene in the difficulties that remain unchecked in this diocese. I am attempting to correct the arrogant and ambitious who act out of self-love and not for the good of all souls. For many years, even decades, I have suffered with My messenger as she was calumnized before all, only because she was obedient to Me, Truth Itself. What you do to the least of My children, that, you do unto Me."
"Yes, I suffered and tried to stab your hearts with the truth. Now I have even more to say. Those among you who will not accept criticism, those among you who rash judge, are the ones lacking in humility and Holy Love. You are the ones disobedient to the truth, to the Commandments of Love which I, Myself, gave you. You do not love God above all else and neighbor as self when you calumnize the innocent. Look into your own hearts. Where will self-importance lead you except away from Me? What would you gain even if you could stop the prayers offered at this apparition site? A great many of the prayers offered here are for you yourselves. Do you really wish to stop them?"
"Do not think for one present moment that I do not love you and do not desire your salvation. But you are opposing Me. No good can come of such an effort. Look into your own hearts with the truth of Holy Love and repent! There is no justification for any of your opposition. Accept that your opposition is a lie. Turn your hearts at once over to the truth."
"I have one more Diocesan allegation that I have saved until now to refute; that is, because it is so imaginative and so far-fetched. I had to help My brothers and sisters to see first the hearts of those who are placing themselves in judgment over My work here. If I was not their Savior, I would not care about their souls. As it is, I must correct them. I am their Savior. Further, all of these latest messages are given to prevent souls from being misled by authority, those I have trusted with authority."
"The Diocese claims falsely that we are 'self-authenticating'. To be true, this would mean that none of the messages were discerned by a spiritual director or advisor. This is false. How can anyone presume such a thing unless they themselves are present when each Message is given? Of course, they are not! My messenger has many spiritual advisors and a competent spiritual director who reads all the messages. Can the diocese claim as much? Since her last known spiritual director, Fr. Frank Kenney, was told by the bishop [unlawfully] that he could not return to Holy Love Ministries, and that if he heard of him being associated with the Ministry, he would report him to the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, all of My messenger's advisors are anonymous. Wisdom dictates so."
"I believe today's messages should put to rest all of the false accusations levied against My work here. Stand with the Truth."
Source: ➥