Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Monday, October 27, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Message from St. Martin de Porres given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

St. Martin de Porres says: "Praise be to Jesus."
"I have come to speak to you concerning some topics that have become very ambiguous in this present day. This is so, for the sense of good and evil has been relinquished to the god of self-love. Furthermore, Satan has succeeded in making sin into political issues which stills the voice of those who want to protect certain tax benefits. Therefore, the choices of many have been compromised due to lack of leadership."
"I am here to tell you how dear all life is to God from conception to natural death. Each life is God's Will. Each one is given certain and unique gifts. Each soul can reach sanctity. The grace is there. When life is interrupted in the womb, all of this dies with it. When life is cut short by any other means, God's plans--whatever they may be even unto redemptive suffering--are cut short."
"Laws should not be opposed to God's Will, nor should lawmakers. The Almighty formed man and woman to be united in marriage and to procreate. Same sex marriage is another sign of Satan's power of persuasion."
"Anything people choose should reflect God's laws--not self-love, not passions of the flesh, not convenience of self-design. The more mankind interferes with God's plans, the wider the abyss between Heaven and earth. This abyss weakens God's protection over His Creation. For this reason the destiny of the world weighs in the balance with free will choices. Do not support sin. Look for the truth."
Source: ➥