Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA


Thursday, April 13, 2017

Holy Thursday

Message from Jesus Christ given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA


"I am your Jesus, born Incarnate."

"Tonight, step back in time with Me to the Garden at Gethsemane. As My Apostles slept, I prayed. I prayed that the Father would relieve Me of the terrible Passion and Death that lie in store for Me. He did not answer. I had to accept My Father's Will. I loved His Will even more than My Own Life. Once I surrendered to My Father's Will, I did not turn back. All was decided. The redemption of mankind was at stake."

"The pain in My Heart was so great when Judas led My persecutors into the Garden. Then he betrayed Me with a kiss. My Love for Judas never faltered. Divine Love does not fail when it is tested. One Apostle raised his sword and cut off a soldier's ear in a misguided attempt to save Me. I healed the ear, but still the soldiers did not recognize who it was they opposed. They were not supposed to recognize Me."

"My Agony in the Garden was emotional torture. In many ways, it was more severe than the Crucifixion itself. The lack of understanding on the part of the Apostles, the thought of what My Mother would suffer and the lack of love in the hearts of My persecutors was almost more than I could bear."

"I am here with you (Maureen) tonight to share these things with you. I know each of you and I know that you love Me. I suffered for you. I Love you."

Source: ➥