Messages to Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Message from God The Father given to Visionary Maureen Sweeney-Kyle in North Ridgeville, USA

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says: "The way to a deeper spirituality is through a deeper commitment to living out the Commandments through Holy Love. Do not think I chose this Messenger* or this Ministry** randomly to communicate with the world. I speak here*** to bring attention to Holy Love as a way of life and a passport to Heaven. You, My children, now have the responsibility to listen."
"Pay close attention as to the way you travel the pathway to your own salvation. Examine your motives for your actions. Pay attention to the source of your inspirations. I do not send My Spirit into the world to lead you astray. Your entire journey when on earth is a test of your commitment to righteousness. Make certain you are living in the Truth - not some fallacy that is more comfortable than the Truth."
"I come to warn, to guide and to protect. Pay attention."
* Maureen Sweeney-Kyle.
** The ecumenical Ministry of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
*** The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
Read Ephesians 4:11-15+
And his gifts were that some should be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints, for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; so that we may no longer be children, tossed back and forth and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the cunning of men, by their craftiness in deceitful wiles. Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ,
Source: ➥