Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, June 22, 1994
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Our Lady appeared with her Son Jesus Christ and St. Michael the Archangel in a vision on a plot of land in Itapiranga. My mother had this vision, being in our residence in Manaus. From where she was standing, she saw the Blessed Virgin in Itapiranga, with Jesus and Saint Michael. She explained that it seemed as if they were so close to her. This apparition is very significant and important, because it is about one of the requests of the Virgin that will have a lot of repercussions in the history of the apparitions: the construction of the chapel in her honor, the Queen of Peace. Here she shows her desire to be honored with this title in Itapiranga for the first time.
I want you to make a little chapel here of temporary straw. Here in the state of Amazonas, I have chosen the city of Itapiranga for the end times. In the other places, where My appearances are taking place and giving My messages, it is already ending. And here, in Itapiranga it will begin.
On this day also, Our Lady spoke to my mother about the death of my brother Quirino, which occurred in the year 1989:
When my Son Jesus Christ died, I was lucky enough to carry His Body in My lap. His head remained on My right arm. See.
My mother saw Jesus, on Our Lady's lap, when they lowered Him dead from the cross.
...but I am I. And when your son Quirino died, you were not as lucky to carry his body on your lap, but I and My Son Jesus Christ carried your son's body on Your lap. See.
My mother saw my brother dead, with his head on the left arm of Our Lady and the rest of his body in the lap of Jesus Christ. Our Lord Jesus Christ's hands were underneath Quirino's body, open, holding his body. My mother cried a lot and Our Lady said to her,
Cry my daughter, you can cry. This is the last time you will cry for your son. On the day of your son's death, when you came home and sat on the couch you were going to die anyway, but because you asked for a little bit of the energy of my Son Jesus Christ and mine to endure that event, because if you died the despair would be greater for your spouse and the other children and family members, you were answered, and it was at that moment that I and my Son Jesus Christ placed you also in our lap. That is when you could breathe and asked for water to drink.
You were so humble and tiny, but you did not blaspheme us, neither Me nor my Son Jesus Christ. These are your main qualities. You only spoke: Why did My Son die? Why? And I and My Son Jesus Christ answered you once again: because he wanted to be an Angel and a Saint of the Lord.
You only feel happy now because we have shown your son as he is there in heaven and dressed as an Angel, but you will feel even happier when you meet one day there in the Glory of the Lord. Just like the little song I told my son to teach you in your dream to comfort you. Talk about your little song:
Leva, Leva, child in pain
In the joy of one who will depart
In the hope that you will one day
Will feel there in glory happy, happy!
(¹) Friar Roberto was the parish priest who taught my mother a lot, when she was still young and lived in Amaturá, in the interior of Amazonas, with my grandfathers, José Bernardo and Emiliana. He was a Capuchin friar, who died on March 10, 1989. He was a priest who demanded respect for the things of God. One day, because my mother was poorly dressed, wearing a dress with low-cut straps, he took her Franciscan cord and whipped her on the back, which was exposed just as she was thinking of entering the Church, saying to her: You're not thinking of entering the house of God for Mass like that, are you? My mother, ashamed, told him as she left: No, I'm going home to change!
The only memory I have of him was when he visited us at our house in Manaus, when my brothers and I were still small. When he came home and saw that my mother was poorly dressed he refused to enter saying : I wish to speak to Dona Maria do Carmo! My mother answered him: It's me! - He told her again: But, I wish to speak to Dona Maria do Carmo! -My mother understood that he was scolding her for being poorly dressed and that the Dona Maria do Carmo he wanted to speak to was the one she had taught to be well dressed, composed before God. My mother, embarrassed, told him: One minute, please! - She went in and changed her dress and came back with a dress that covered her body worthily. Friar Roberto then said to her: Now, yes, I am talking to Dona Maria do Carmo! - And only after that did he enter the house.
(*) Our Lady used a diminutive term, as a Mother speaks to her little child.
Have it painted what you saw and how you saw it... (my mother understood that it was to paint the vision she had of the Virgin with the little angels, on the for wall of the living room of our house)... and write your book, which is a very beautiful story. It is the story of recent times and there is no other like it. (N. Senhora a Maria do Carmo).
The other day, Our Lord Jesus Christ, said to my mother,
Obey My Mother. Do everything that She asks of you. Don't just stand still. You are too accommodating. Act. You have to be humble, kind, charitable, loving and obedient. Visit the imprisoned, the sick in hospitals, the abandoned children, the despised old people, and the widows. Make sacrifices. You know why you have to be watchful.
Another apparition, with a very important message. Jesus expresses here his desire for us to perform works of mercy, so that we can also obtain mercy. We cannot remain indifferent to the sufferings of our most suffering brothers and sisters. It is Jesus who asks this of each one of us.