Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, September 20, 1994
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Dear children, my Heart rejoices to see you all gathered here in prayer. Thank you for coming. Pray, pray, pray a lot.
Our Lady looked at me and said,
Tell them, to pray always every day the holy rosary, from which you receive countless graces. I ask you to pray, so that all my plans will come true according to my desire and the desire of my Son Jesus.
I pour my blessings and graces on each of you gathered here. I love you and hold you always within this Immaculate Heart of mine. Have confidence in God and in me. Surrender your problems to God.
Never be afraid, for fear comes not from God but from Satan. I am with you to help you. At my side today are St. Michael and St. Gabriel, who have come to accompany me, along with the angels, who are praying with you today accompanying you in prayer.
Looking kindly at my mother and me, with a beautiful smile she asked us,
Do you want to tell me your yes today, as a response to your cooperation to everything, that I intend to accomplish here in this city?
Yes!- we answer.
So pray, pray, pray a lot. Pray the rosary every day! I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.