Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil


Saturday, January 7, 1995

Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga, AM, Brazil


Peace be with you!

Dear children, I am your Mother and Queen of Peace. I bless all of you gathered here and this family that welcomes me. Dear children, pray the Rosary every day and do penance for the conversion of sinners. Make sacrifices and pray more. Pray for the union of families and for the peace of the whole world.

Dear children, I beg you: do not waste your time in front of the television set, thus losing precious hours for prayer and dialogue with God. Renounce television programs. Turn off the television set. Make renunciations and sacrifices for yourselves and for sinners. Get into the habit of reading the Bible.

Make an effort to read the Word of my Son Jesus. Confess more often and go to Holy Mass. Pray for Brazil. ¹ Let women set an example in the way they dress. I would like them to return to wearing the veil when they go to the Holy Mass Celebration and to Church. That the children pray the rosary. I bless them and have them always within my Heart. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

(¹) Our Lady has asked women to wear the veil, as a way for them to go to Churches more respectfully and modestly dressed, because today, there are many women who go to Churches almost naked, with their bodies on display, and this offends God greatly. Our Lady asks and demands respect and modesty in the House of God, where her Divine Son Jesus Christ is in the Tabernacle waiting for us. Women who go to Churches dressed indecorously are drawing upon themselves the justice of God and will never be happy, for women who act this way do not receive the blessings of heaven ever, but only the justice that wishes to punish them for their sins of immodesty.


