Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, February 22, 1995
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

Peace be with you!
Dear children, how much I love you. How happy I am to see you all gathered here today to pray. Thank you, little children, for your presence. Today I pour on each one of you very special graces.
Little children, open your hearts to the Divine Holy Spirit, for He wants to win you deeply to Himself. He loves you very much, and today He pours out many graces upon each one of you, especially His gifts upon the young, my beloved children.
Little children, put yourselves in the hands of the Divine Paraclete, for He wishes to do great wonders and marvelous things that you have never seen.
Dear young people, how much I love you and how much good I wish for each one of you. Dear young people, I, your Mother, have many graces to spread over each one of you here today. Pray little children, pray the rosary a lot, because through the rosary you will obtain countless graces from my Immaculate Heart. I bless all of you here present, and I tell you:
I, the Queen of Peace, your Immaculate Mother and Patroness of Brazil. I pray to the Lord continually for each one of you. I am preparing the young people here in this parish for a holier and purer life, so that all that I have planned may come true as soon as possible. Soon, I myself will have formed some of these young people for the second part of my plan, which I am carrying out here in Itapiranga. To these young people I want to manifest myself more and more, and lead them to a deeper life of prayer and surrender to God. Through these young people, others will follow the path of prayer and return to the Lord, thus freeing themselves from Satan's hands.
I want the young people to pray the rosary every day, so that all this can happen as soon as possible. My graces will still be poured on many of these my children, who need me so much! I will call more young people into my great army, so that together we can fight the enemy that has gained so much ground in recent times, all over the world.
I am the Queen of Youth, the Mother of God, and from here in Itapiranga, I call all the young people, as I have never done in the young people, as I have never done in the whole world: come back to my Son, Jesus. He loves you. Itapiranga is and will be for all young people a deeper call to conversion.
I am their Heavenly Mother and I do not want any to be eternally lost on the road to hell. That is why I come to your rescue, to teach you and show you the way of salvation, the way that leads to God.
Little children, pray. Dear young people, help me. I need your help very much. Put yourselves in my hands, and I will lead you to my Son Jesus. Have confidence and great courage.
Tonight I bless you all in an extraordinary way and pour my Peace into your hearts. Thank you little children for your response to my pleas. Thank you for the great love you have for me. Thank you, for your prayers serve for good and for peace. Thank you for all you do for me and for my Son Jesus. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.