Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Thursday, May 25, 1995
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

Listen to my Mother. Do what my Mother asks of you. Pray, pray, pray. Open your hearts to me.
I am your Lord and your God. My Sacred Heart is your dwelling place. I place you all inside this Sacred Heart of mine. Come wash in the Fountain of Grace and Salvation.
I am the Fountain of Grace. Confess yourselves. Pray much to the Holy Spirit. I desire to pour out my Holy Spirit upon each one of you. I desire to pour out my Peace upon your State (Amazonas). I desire to pour out my Love over Brazil. I wish to pour out my infinite Mercy over the whole world. I love you very much and bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
(¹) I saw, at this moment, Jesus sending the Holy Spirit over the Amazon. I saw several flames of fire falling over our state and a dove in the form of light flying over it. Amazonas has been designated by God for great things. Amazonas will become very well known in the world more than all the other states of Brazil in relation to the works of God. Itapiranga will be very well known in the Church. What Our Lady is accomplishing in Itapiranga will reach the farthest and most distant places. The people of Amazonas and the people of Itapiranga have not yet realized and have not realized the great grace they have received through the apparitions of Our Lady.