Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, June 23, 1995
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

Son, write my message to all my children who need my Love and my Mercy. All those who pray at three o'clock in the afternoon, in front of this Cross, the rosary of mercy, on their knees, will have all the graces.
Dear children, it is my Heart's desire that the messages given by me and my Mother here in Itapiranga be spread and known.
Today I pour out from my Heart the graces of my mercy.
(¹) The Cross that stands near the Chapel and place where the Virgin will leave the sign visible to the world. In Itapiranga, many times Jesus and Our Lady appeared to me and my mother. Jesus wants His appeals to be spread and to reach all the farthest corners of the world. One day I told him:
Lord, how will we do that, if we don't have the means to do so? See how we are without many conditions. How shall we do it then?
Jesus answered me,
This work is mine, and it is I who open the doors and the ways before you. I will make the means and the people who will help you spread my appeals and the appeals of my Mother to the whole world. Pray and trust.