Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, October 18, 1995
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

On this day, at night, in a prayer group, Jesus appeared with the Blessed Virgin showing her Sacred Hearts. Jesus alone gave us a message:
Peace be with you my beloved children!
I am your Lord who loves you so much. Pray much and be converted. Change your lives. Make sacrifices and penance for sinners. I come this night to give you a message and my peace to each of you and your families.
I have you deep in my Sacred Heart. Be pure and simple. Be prepared. Behold, my coming is imminent.
For a long time I have been calling you to conversion, but you are still deaf to my call. Listen to what my Mother asks of you, who is your Holy Mother. Love and respect her. We are always with you, helping you and protecting you from all evil.
Pray more. I am looking for souls to comfort me, but I find so few. I love you, my dear little children, and give you my blessings. Receive my peace and my love. I, your Heavenly Father bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!
(¹) Explanation as in the message of 16/10/95