Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Sunday, January 7, 1996
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

On this day, Saint Gabriel transmitted a message to my mother:
Edson should pray on his knees before the Blessed Sacrament asking for the opening of the hearts of the people of the city of Itapiranga.* The people of the city of Itapiranga are hard-hearted...the people are doubting. They do not believe in the messages of Our Lady Queen of Peace. Soon there will be the great darkness for all humanity. Pray very, very, very much.
Who is speaking?
It is the Angel Gabriel.
(*) I did as the Angel asked my mother and prayed asking God for the opening of people's hearts. It wasn't all the time, but I was trying harder and harder to fulfill God's pleas. An interesting thing is that people began to participate more and more in the prayers, and many people from Manaus and other places began to go to the place of the apparitions on the days when they took place. Thus, Our Lady was converting many hearts to God and many people began to live more and more her heavenly appeals.
In the morning, the Blessed Virgin communicated another message to my mother. My mother asked the Mother of God a question:
Do you have a message to tell Father...who is coming now in Manaus? a very special priest. He is dedicating himself and trying very hard. All priests are special, *but leave aside those who don't believe. It is very painful to my Heart to say this: leave aside those who do not believe. These are the Tomes of today. And for those who believe, trust more, pray more. This is the message I give you this morning. Soon we will meet!
(*) When Our Lady said: ...leave aside those who do not believe, she was not wanting us to despise the unbelieving priests, but rather to pay no attention to the barbarities they spoke against her apparitions, saying absurd things that were not true, criticizing them, without even being aware of the facts and the messages. She asked us to pray a lot for them. One cannot imagine Our Lady's pain over those priests who despise her words in order to continue to live a life according to the world and not according to the will of God. Of these priests God will ask much.