Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Wednesday, January 31, 1996
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

It was dawn. My mother woke up with the Virgin calling her:
Maria do Carmo, get up!
My mother was very sleepy and thought about going back to sleep. She heard more strongly the Virgin's voice calling her insistently:
Don't sleep. Sit down to write! Wake up my child, wake up. I have to speak to you now. Take the pen and the notebook. Write the message I'm going to dictate to you...
My mother quickly got up and thought of waking me up so that I could write the Virgin's message, but the Virgin told her:
No, don't wake Edson. He is resting. You write what I am going to dictate to you now!
The Virgin was very delicate at this moment. She knew that the day before I had done many things and was very tired and in need of a good sleep. This is why she asked my mother not to wake me up. My mother took the notebook and pen and the Virgin said:
My Son Jesus is very sad, my little children, with all that has been happening in the world today. There are many mistakes on top of horrible mistakes, my children. The world is near the end: prepare yourselves with many prayers, praying for those who are still not seeing anything even with wide eyes, my children.
I am the Queen of Peace, asking for peace for everyone and every day. Pray, pray very, very much. Don't get tired of praying for all people. See you later my daughter!...
Our Lady began to cry which made my mother very sad, who also cried along with her:
I am crying, my daughter, for all that is going wrong: there are so many wrong, serious, horrible things happening. See you later!...
After a few moments, Our Lady returned and said what we should
do to help her:
On carnival day I want everyone in the city of Itapiranga, there at the cross. I don't want a procession, but walk like one: all together. I want everyone in prayer at three o'clock in the afternoon there at the cross. If possible, everyone from your home. It will be a day of deep prayer. Don't forget: on carnival day, there on the cross. There is the right place. Pray so that a catastrophe does not happen. Pray my children, pray that nothing serious happens on this day. Invite all the people you know. Pray for all those who are not yet praying my children. Pray, pray, pray. Pray much more. I bless you: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Sleep in peace!