Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Tuesday, February 20, 1996
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber

On 20/02/96 , Carnival Tuesday we went to pray on the cross on the hill, as the Virgin had asked us to. There were only a few of us. In this apparition the Virgin was very sad and weeping blood. Next to her appeared Jesus nailed to the cross. He was all full of wounds and sores, and his blood bathed his entire body. The Mother of God gave the following message:
*To this day my Son Jesus is still nailed to the cross because of the sins of men. Pray, pray, pray to console the divine Heart of my Son Jesus. He is comforted by you who are here in prayer today. Thank you.
(*) Jesus suffers because of our sins and his passion is renewed when we are disobedient and a cause of sin and suffering for our brothers, which is the Church. We must understand that each of us is part of the mystical body of Christ, and that any willful and desired act against our neighbor or ourselves, when we sin with our body and with sinful actions it is against Jesus that we are doing, making him suffer.
Taking into account that our sins strike Christ himself, the Church does not hesitate to impute to Christians the most serious responsibility in the torture of Jesus. We must consider as guilty of this horrible fault those who continue to relapse into sins. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 598 -1851, p. 170).
I had spoken to the Virgin about everything that had occurred in the previous days and she answered me:
Pray, pray, pray and entrust all your problems into my hands. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!
I felt a great peace right after I heard these words. It was as if a very great weight had been lifted off my shoulders. She had promised that she would return in the evening and by 8:30 pm. After the prayer she appeared holding in her right hand a cloth, like the Holy Shroud, on which was printed the Holy Face of Jesus, all bathed in blood. The Virgin exhorted us:
Make reparation to the Holy Face of my divine Son Jesus Christ. My Son is very sad and weeps because men offend Him with so many sins and horrible blasphemies. Many do not care about God and the things of heaven, and so they walk the road of perdition that leads to hell. How I am saddened by the lack of love and incredulity of the people of Itapiranga who do not listen to me and do not believe in my heavenly messages, despising so many graces that I have poured out and that I continue to pour out on them until today.
Dear children, pray with me every day 7 creeds for the unbelievers and the atheists. Pray, pray a lot. Always pray the Holy Rosary. I am the Queen of Peace. Peace, peace, peace. Pray for peace. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!
During the apparition the Virgin asked me to raise my right hand. I did as she asked and she so kindly held my hand with her own. A person who was present at the apparition had a sign from the Virgin at this moment: she saw that my arm began to become all luminous, golden in color, just at the moment when the Virgin was holding my hand. This person did not know what was happening to me at that moment. Only later when I reported this to the people present did she come to tell me what she had seen.