Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, April 19, 1996
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

Men do not want to listen to my appeals, my little ones! They live by wars, murders, and all kinds of heinous crimes. All because of greed for money and power, which leads to nothing, but to their own eternal damnation. It is necessary, my children, that you pray a lot.
I, Jesus Christ, am very sad, very sad indeed. I am in a mortal sadness worse than the one I experienced many years ago in the Garden of Olives. I still live this agony in my suffering little children, because of the injustice and wickedness of the great ones. The blood of my little ones cries out for justice before the Throne of my Father.
Repent, O poor humanity, repent now of your innumerable sins. Listen to the voice of your God who invites you to be reconciled with him. Ask sincerely for forgiveness for your sins and I will forgive you, but if you persist in remaining in this darkness that clouds the beauty of your soul and the light of your sight, there is only the path of eternal suffering in hell.
I am a God of Mercy, but I am also a God of Justice. My Divine Justice will not delay to strike this poor humanity that refuses to listen to my calls to prayer, conversion, and repentance.
My little children, I have already invited you more than thousands and thousands of times, through the apparitions of my Holy Mother, and also through many apparitions of mine in many places of the world, and this for more than many centuries. It is not of now that I have been calling you to myself, but it is of centuries and centuries. I have been waiting for your return for a long time, but many are still deaf. Many will say: but I did not know anything, nor did I know these messages, but I tell you that I have been calling you through my Holy Church for a long time to conversion, and you did not want to listen, but instead denied her, attacked her, and worst of all betrayed her, abandoning her for a cheap imitation created by man. Everything that does not come from me will fall. Only the truth and the true Church will remain and stand.
I, the Lord, invite you to listen to the calls of the Holy Church and the calls of my Holy Mother. All that my Holy Mother speaks to you comes from me and from the lips of my servant, the beloved of my Heart and my beloved son, Pope John Paul II. Listen to him and pray a lot for him. His life is hanging by a thread. He needs very much the comfort of you, my beloved sons, priests of my Sacred Heart. Be a comfort to the Holy Father and obedient children. As I have already told you: all my priests must obey him and defend him. Do not retreat, my beloved children, but defend the one I have chosen to shepherd you and to be a light for all of you. Imitate the Holy Father in his humility and in his love for Holy Church, and imitate especially the great filial love he has for me and for my Heavenly Mother.
O if all my Cardinals, Bishops and Priests were like him, who consecrated himself from childhood to my Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
If only all were like him in constantly living this consecration. How pleasing he is to my Holy eyes. He is my Angel who is still on earth to bring my Holy Word to all people. His efforts in making known my Word and my divine desires greatly comfort my Sacred Heart.
Dear little children, my beloved children of Amazonia, I now wish to address myself to all of you: listen to the calls of my Holy Mother, put into practice all that she has communicated to you. I have sent my Holy Mother here in Amazonas, because I want to prepare you for a more holy life, and to lead you all to me, your Lord. In fact, I, Jesus Christ, am very concerned about all of you and about the salvation of your brothers. There are many who live in sin, my children. Many have rejected Me from their hearts and from their lives, committing the most abominable sins, such as sins of impurity and against nature. The number of abortions is very high here in the Amazon and especially in Brazil, my children. This terrible sin cries out to my Divine Justice. Repair these terrible crimes, my children. Pray, fast and offer your sacrifices and penances to repair this terrible sin. If only all fathers and mothers knew how much my Heart is wounded when I see this terrible offense being committed. My justice weighs on all these murderous fathers and mothers, and not only on them, but on all those who collaborated to make this crime be committed. No one escapes my justice. My justice looks at everything and nothing passes unnoticed before my holy eyes.
O beloved children, see now how your God is. Your God is brokenhearted, crying out for a drop of love, looking for a request for forgiveness, but cannot find a single soul that wants to sincerely repent of its sins. Men have already adhered to sin, just as they have adhered to fashions, fashions so provocative that they make me nauseous and disgust my holy eyes. These fashions, to make matters worse for the poor soul, have even entered my Sanctuary, my Holy House, my Church. O poor soul who is already bringing upon yourself the weight of my justice, instead of my love and forgiveness. Why do you enter my Church like that with such provocative and obscene clothes? Can you not see that there at the Altar is the Divine Majesty, with all His glory and power. Why do you harden your own heart and on top of that, come to receive me in it, dressed in such a gaudy way, which to me looks more like a filthy garment, the worst that ever existed on the face of the earth!
Dear souls, be modest and modest in the way you dress. Dress decently, my daughters: not luxuriously, but decently. My children, I don't want you also to come to my Church with your legs out, as you are already doing. Don't come to Mass wearing shorts, but wear pants that cover your legs. Many have already adhered to this fashion of coming to my Church wearing shorts. I don't want it to be like this: men have to come with long pants and women with dresses. This is the way it should be.
I wish now to pour my blessing on the whole of the Amazon, my beloved children. I wish to shower you with abundant heavenly graces. I and my Mother have chosen you (me and my mother), so that you may transmit our wishes and our appeals to all our children who need a word of comfort, of encouragement, so that they will not be discouraged in the faith that is already so weak.
I want all my children to pray the seven creeds every day for all those who do not believe in me and who are unbelievers. Pray, pray, pray. Pray a lot and every day the Holy Rosary. It is necessary that you participate every day in Holy Mass and that you come to receive me in the Holy Eucharistic Sacrament, for I wish to enrich you with my graces and my gifts. Pray always to
Divine Holy Spirit. You should pray a lot to the Holy Spirit, because you from Amazonas are sealed by Him. And all those who ask the Holy Spirit will receive in depth all the graces and gifts. You have been chosen by me to receive my gifts, the spiritual gifts that will spread in depth throughout the whole world when there will be the new Pentecost that will revive the Holy Church, which is already spiritually dead, because of the weakness of faith in men, and mainly in my priests. Here in the Amazon the Holy Spirit will do great wonders when he is poured over all men. Amazonas will receive a great mission that only later I will reveal to you. For now, it is enough for everyone to know that it is necessary from now on to invoke the Light of the Divine Holy Spirit for the fulfillment of everything that is already about to take place. Pray, pray, pray, and unite in prayer with my Holy Mother asking for the Holy Spirit for all of Holy Church and for all of humanity. I bless you all: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Until soon and be with my Peace!