Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, February 1, 1997
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Manaus, AM, Brazil

Peace be with you!
Dear children, so many souls are under the influence of the enemy, but if you pray, they can free themselves from his clutches.
I am the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary.
Dear children, with my Rosary you can obtain great graces from God. Know how to value the prayer that your Heavenly Mother recommends so much to you, and that God invites you to pray every day through me. Today, men live in wars, use all kinds of weapons to destroy themselves, the world they live in, and the works created by God for their own good. All this happens, because the enemy has managed to seduce them in his temptations, and induces them to follow what he desires: the destruction of their own souls. Do not give in, my children, but fight against all these evils with the prayer of the Holy
Rosary. You have not yet understood the value of praying the Rosary. If you knew the value of praying the Rosary, you would pray it every day without ever missing a single day. Many of My children are lazy to pray. Know, children, that laziness does not come from God. If you have not yet managed to renounce laziness, start now, lest it causes you to be renounced by God on the last day of your lives, because laziness is a sin and sin takes you away from my son Jesus Christ. Do not be lazy to pray, because if you pray you will be walking towards salvation. Salvation is only achieved through the prayers, the effort and the good will of man, to fulfill everything that God asks, through his holy Word and his holy Church, which I tell you again: it is the Catholic Church.
Beloved children, Satan is very shrewd. Be very careful with him. Know how to recognize his snares, asking, every day, for the light of the Divine Holy Spirit, so that he can guide and lead you in everything. Jesus gave you the Holy Spirit so that He can strengthen you and give you the necessary Wisdom and Light. You should always be grateful to my Son Jesus, who is concerned every day to see you happy, joyful, at peace, living in love and unity with everyone. Jesus will always lead you to Him, through the Holy Spirit, if you all dedicate yourselves to listen and live all that He asks of you in His Word.
Children, today more than ever, I wish to be, for each of you, the Guide that will lead you to Jesus. I am your Mother, and as Mother, I have the God-given mission to prepare you, so that each one of you will have an open heart to welcome Him in His Second Coming, which is already near. Listen, children, to what I am telling you: all those who allow themselves to be formed by me, will have the great happiness of receiving my Son Jesus, who will come in the Glory of Heaven, surrounded by his innumerable Angels and Saints from Heaven. Rejoice children, for your deliverance draws near. Blessed are those who are prepared to welcome my Divine Son, Jesus Christ. They will shine at the Lord's side, in the Heavenly Glory. The Lord will soon renew the whole face of the earth, through the purest fire of the Holy Spirit.
Come, Holy Spirit, and renew our hearts, our souls, our families, and the entire face of the earth with your warm rays of Love and Light.
Come, Holy Spirit, giver of all graces and gifts, and enkindle us with your Light, opening us to Divine Grace and sanctifying us with your holy Presence.
Come, Holy Spirit, bless all of humanity, all of the Holy Church, illuminating her with your Light, clothing her with your power, and renewing her with the most pure fire coming from the Heart of the Father, of the Son, and from you, the Pure and Holy Light, the Sovereign Lord and Sanctifier of our souls.
Come, Holy Spirit, and take charge of my entire being. Come and be the master of my heart and of my whole life. I am entirely yours. Do with me whatever you please. I am here to do your will, and may your Living Word: Word of Life and Truth, be the strength and source that will make streams of living water gush out of my heart.
Dear children, pray, pray, pray. I want to tell you that my immaculate (prayer is very offended and afflicted. There are so many sins in the world. Do something for your brothers and for yourselves. My Lord, count on your help, so that the world can be renewed and saved from the darkness cast by the enemy. I want peace, peace, peace! Pray for your suffering brothers. Be more charitable and brotherly. Be a comfort and a consolation to your needy brothers. Don't be selfish, don't be resentful, but in everything, always be fraternal, gentle and affectionate with everyone, even with those people who have already made you suffer, because my children, I love everyone! So should each one of you be towards all your brothers. Love each other. Love each other. Love each other. To all of you who are living my holy messages, I send a kiss of love. To all of you who are trying to live them I say: don't give up, because I understand and I see your effort in wanting to live them. To all of you who have not yet begun to live my messages I also say: do not waste time, because time is short. And time goes by and never comes back. That is why I also tell you: if salvation passes by and you don't get it, it will never come back, because you didn't know how to welcome it deep in your hearts. Never lose the opportunity that God gives you for your salvation, because you don't know the day or the hour when you will have to give account to God for your actions. Be with my Peace and with my motherly love. I bless you: In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon, my dear children and stay with my Jesus who desires to speak his holy message to the world!