Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Saturday, February 15, 1997
Message from Our Lord to Edson Glauber

My peace be with you all!
My beloved and dear children: I am your Savior, your great friend, the one you can trust.
Children, I am your Light, and I come to you all, to give you my holy message: My little ones, I love you in a special way. You are loved by me in such a beautiful way. Many of you still do not understand this Holy Love of mine.
My children: he who loves me, loves his neighbor. Never keep sorrow in your hearts. He who loves me, keeps my commandments. Children, he who truly loves me and loves my Blessed Mother no longer loves the world, because the world is no longer of any importance to these people. He who loves my word is the one who shines in my presence, for he is a strong light that shines on all my other little ones who lie in darkness.
Satan tries, at any cost, to destroy this holy work that I and my Blessed Mother have started here in the Amazon. Be careful. Be vigilant. Pay close attention to those messages that do not teach you the truth preached by the authority of My Holy Catholic Church. Satan's messages are bitter, sour, and do not bear fruit. Fruits can only be born and bear abundant fruit when the messages come only from Me and My Holy Mother. Pray, pray, pray, that satan will go away far away from all of you. I wish only for peace and unity. Pray, pray a lot.
I am your peace. Peace will come to you through my Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of my Blessed Mother.
Beloved children, I have always been by your side. I never abandon you. You are so precious in my holy eyes, that you do not yet realize this great love that I have for you. My holy love is for all my children all over the world.
Children, live my commandments now, for they will lead you into eternity. Dear children, only those who live love in their families, in their daily life, will be able to feel my holy presence. Children, think: when you live love, I will be there to shower you with my blessings. I am love, so when you love, it is I loving through you. There I am in your midst.
My child, tell my little ones that I love them. I love them all. To all of them I send my blessing: I bless you: in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!"
He who loves me no longer lives for himself, but for me and through me. Do you love me? Then live what I ask of you.
At this moment Jesus taught me a prayer:
Lord Jesus, increase my faith, renewing it with your Divine love and your Holy Light, so that I can serve you and truly follow you. Jesus, I trust in you. Amen.
Dear children: do you want to follow me? Then surrender your will to me, surrender everything to my Sacred Heart. Take away all the obstacles. Give me your difficulties, so that I can solve them, because I am the solution to everything.