Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil


Wednesday, May 21, 1997

Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Ciliverghe, Italy


Peace be with you!

Dear children, I am the Queen of Peace, the Mother of God and your Heavenly Mother

Pray, pray, pray. Pray the Rosary for all the families that are being destroyed by satan. I wish to bless all families, all couples and all My children all over the world.

All those who intend to build a family through the sacrament of marriage, try to be faithful to the oath they will take before My son Jesus and all those who already have a family, live fidelity deeply in your homes. May every father and mother have a very great love for their children.

I am the Queen of families. I give them my motherly blessing. Bonate, Bonate, you will no longer be abandoned as you were in the past. Behold, I come from heaven to ask for your sanctification and respect. May all priests have an active conscience and try to see all that I have accomplished in Bonate.

Dear children, I give you peace, peace, peace. Bring my peace to all men. I bless you all: in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit Amen. See you soon!

MESSAGE FROM THE SACRED VIRGIN (On 22 O5 97, to Edson Glauber - Italy, in the morning - Ghiaie de Bonate)

Our Lady appeared with Jesus and St. Joseph. All three dressed in white, showing their Sacred Hearts that scattered rays of light on the people present. Our Lady gave me this message:

Peace be with you!

Dear children, I am the Blessed Virgin Mary who comes down from heaven accompanied by Our Lord Jesus Christ and St. Joseph to bless you, all of you. Pray, pray, pray. Deepen your conversion daily. This is a place blessed by God. Why haven't My children realized this yet? Have great respect in this place where the Heavenly Mother appeared with the Child Jesus and Saint Joseph. Pray, pray, pray. Convert yourselves, priests must live faithfully the mission they received from My son Jesus. My beloved children must be very holy. All priests who could do something for Bonate, but did not do it, omitting themselves, will be guilty. Because they did not let thousands of souls attain the graces of Heaven for their eternal salvation

May all priests meditate on this message that the Lord allows me to give you today. To all gathered here I pour out my graces. Have great love for the most chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. Itapiranga has come to confirm my apparitions in Ghiaie de Bonate. I will be back soon, at about twenty-one o'clock. I bless you all: in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!

Comfort my daughter Adelaide Roncalli, telling her that I have not forgotten the promise I made to her that at the hour of her death I will come for her.

Our Lady asked Me to make with my tongue three crosses on the stairs of the Chapel, in reparation to the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, because of the lack of respect and the lack of faith of the people in the place of the apparition.


