Messages to Edson Glauber in Itapiranga AM, Brazil
Friday, May 23, 1997
Message from Our Lady Queen of Peace to Edson Glauber in Ciliverghe, Italy

"Peace be with you My beloved children!
Dear children, I am the Virgin Queen of the Holy Rosary and the Queen of Peace.
I ask you to continue to pray the Holy Rosary every day for world peace
Dear children, the world is in great sin. How many sad things will have to happen in the world if it is not converted! I pray to God for you, asking Him to forgive your sins. But you, repent of your sinful acts and return to the Lord with a repentant heart. If you do not repent, a great punishment will fall upon you. Listen to Me, O beloved children, the Lord can no longer bear so many sins and offenses. Do not offend Our Lord God anymore, who is already much offended. I call my beloved sons to listen to my heavenly appeals. Sons and daughters priests, help your Heavenly Mother. Sons priests, look to Me, your Heavenly Mother, and you will have the strength to walk to My son Jesus. I am the Mother of all priests. Dear beloved children, listen to me: your Mother has truly appeared in Ghiaie de Bonate. Listen to me: defend Bonate. Bonate a source of grace for the whole world, especially for all families. How I suffer, because many of My priest children do not believe that I appeared in Bonate to Miss Adelaide Roncalli, despising My message and My graces. Great reparations are needed for Bonate, for not having accepted my messages of conversion. Especially on the part of all the priests.
Beloved children, enough of such unbelief! Do not allow Satan to mock you because of your unbelief towards Bonate. Don't you realize that he wanted it so that many people would not find the way to salvation and would be destroyed? Pray, pray, pray. I, your Heavenly Mother, ask you to make holy the place where I appeared, in Ghiaie of Bonate, for this is a request of My Divine son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Dear children at this moment I wish to bless you. Receive my motherly blessing. From this place I bless my daughter Adelaide Roncalli. Tell her that I love her very much and that I have always been with her in all the difficulties of life and will be with her in the hour of her death.
Dear children, at this moment I mark you with holy oil from heaven, making the holy sign of the cross on your foreheads. Always remain in a state of grace so that God's love will always be with you. I bless you all: in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. See you soon!